Thursday, February 25, 2010

randolf del rosario.

Retoucher. Painter. Art Director. Graphic Designer. Digital Animator. Among one of his many endless talents, Randy is fantastic at sketching. He is a photo retoucher and free-lance art director by day and superstar by night. The work featured here is just what he enjoys doing when he's bored, imagine what he produces when he's not half way asleep and hyped up on red bull at 3 o'clock in the morning. See more sketches by Randy at his blog site.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

patrick winfield.

Patrick Winfield, a polaroid machine. Using mostly polaroid 600 film, this is seriously one of the coolest ideas I've seen. I have seen collaging and composites before but not to this extent. The forth one with the sky has 117 polaroids total, crazy. Feel free to check out his site, which also has very interesting collage work and prints for sale. He currently lives in New York.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

michael c. hsiung

Awesome illustrations coming from Michael c. Hsiung. Discovered on a blog site from a artist rep I know. I love his quirky style and use of imagination. The lines are very simplistic yet pulls together to give off a detailed finish. I have noticed many of his characters feature a thick mustache. Hmmm...wonder if this has anything to do with his own taste in sporting one? Based on his bio off his site I am going with yessss. I believe he currently resides in Los Angeles, CA. You may also find prints/tshirts for sale on his etsy account: